by Lisa Mackay
Working in the arts can often mean a lot of learning on the job. There are so many times that it seems easier and less expensive to figure out how to do something than to hire an extra person or consultant, especially if it is just once or twice. Or perhaps your job has expanded to encompass new skills and areas that you find interesting but have never done before. Or maybe you heard about an amazing new platform at a conference and want to find out how it works. In all of these cases, the internet can be a godsend; a never-ending ocean of information, tutorials, tips, tricks, and articles. However, it is easy to drown in the vast amount of information available. It was for this reason that we began to compile articles, blog posts, and resource sites that either we found personally useful or came highly recommended by our peers. The result is hopefully a page that can be shared widely and constantly updated. Here are three items that recently made the list. If you find them helpful, or come across a page you think we should add, please let us know by emailing!
White Goose Flying Report A Report to Calgary City Council on the Indian Residential School Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action 2016. The Calls to Action identified in this White Goose Flying report are the result of several months of deliberation by CAUAC members. As key representatives of Calgary’s urban Indigenous community, CAUAC sought to identify Calls to Action for The City to address that are directed specifically at municipalities, or 'all levels of government,' are feasible, and which The City has the ability to implement, are impactful enough to reach the greatest number of individuals and families (non-Indigenous Calgarians included), and are appropriately aligned to existing City initiatives and policies.
The Art of Managing your Career The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) brings together cultural workers and employers to address training, career development , and other human resource issues. In this section, they have several guides to careers in the Performing Arts which include information on self-promotion, project management, budgeting, and legal ramifications.
Performance Excellence Through Cognitive Diversity in the Boardroom Cognitive diversity is the inclusion of people who have different information processing styles or problem-solving skills and who can offer unique perspectives because they think differently. Research shows that diversity of thought enhances innovation by about 20%. This article looks at how we can help the board recruit diverse voices and the benefits they bring.
There are many more such resources on the website, arranged under the topics of Anti-Racism, Board & Governance, Finances, Fundraising, Human Resources, Indigenous Relations, Marketing, Other Resource Sites, and Wellness & Mental Health. I would love to hear your suggestions! You can send any recommendations to